Thanks to all those who stopped by our table at the 2013 Association for Asian American Studies conference in Seattle — especially those who took home our order card to recommend their college librarians acquire the new two-disc DVD of Conscience and the Constitution, for classroom use. It was incredibly validating to hear from so many professors over three days tell us of the success they’ve had in using the film in their courses. Not often one gets a chance to meet with the educators actually teaching the material, and it was rewarding to share the story of wartime resistance with so many students and scholars at once.
Thanks also to those who came to our Thursday afternoon panel, “Revisiting the Sites of Japanese American Wartime Incarceration.”
Our presenters revisited the camps on three very different levels – the physical, the emotional, and the imaginative. Brian Niiya described how the preservation of the physical site of the Honouliuli camp in Hawai’i expanded into a larger effort to modify the very narrative of Japanese American history in Hawai’i. Karen Inouye delved into the emotional heart of symbolic graduation ceremonies for Japanese American students removed from college after Pearl Harbor.
But it was the final piece from panel organizer Larry Hashima of California State University, Long Beach, that was most revelant to this blog about the resisters. Larry broke down the imaginative ways in which we construct narratives about the camp experience in his paper, “The Final Frontier Allegiance and Musically Remaking the Internment Narrative.” Larry examined the George Takei musical that debuted last fall in San Diego. He argued that by casting real-life JACL leader Mike Masaoka as “the key antagonist (if not outright villain)” of the musical, and by framing the Nisei veterans as “unwitting dupes volunteering for an unnecessary sacrifice,” the show engaged in “a radical reinterpretation of historical events” and “unchained” the story of camp from “the anchors of the established narrative” — anchors that are otherwise known as the facts.
He concluded that “while Allegiance may have attempted to ‘boldly go where no musical has gone before,'” it can also be viewed as a throwback to the bad old days when the common wisdom pitted the veterans against the resisters (“a false dichotomy,” Larry says), and Japanese Americans were understood only as victims.
Hashima is developing his ideas for a longer dissertation examining the development of common themes within fiction and film treatments of the camp story. We’ll keep an eye on his progress.
An indirect response to the post above came earlier today through an unexpected Twitter exchange. The conversation was initiated by the Heart Mountain, Wyoming Foundation.
Heart Mountain FDN @HeartMountainWY
— @consciencedvd on “Allegiance and musically remaking the internment”: what do you think, @allegiancebway?
Allegiance Broadway @allegiancebway
— @HeartMountainWY @consciencedvd how great that this work sparked dialogue, debate and conversation about a little known chapter of history
Allegiance Broadway @allegiancebway
— @HeartMountainWY @consciencedvd but also, so much of this may be moot by the time we get to Broadway as it’ still been developed
Heart Mountain FDN @HeartMountainWY
— @allegiancebway @ConscienceDVD agreed! We need dialogue & increased awareness about the camps. Both of you are contributing to the dialogue.
Conscience DVD @ConscienceDVD
— Well, didn’t seek that exchange pursued by @HeartMountainWY, but a very gracious reply from @allegiancebway. Thanks & best wishes to both.