Reviews and Essays
“A capstone collection from a beloved historian,”
review of A NIKKEI HARVEST by Art Hansen, Nichi Bei News, July 18, 2024
“GHOST OF HONOR: Who Killed Japanese America?”
essay for the 2024 Left Coast Crime convention booklet,
April 11-14, 2024
“Interrogating the memoir of a resister”
review of BEYOND THE BETRAYAL: The Memoir of a World War II Japanese American Draft Resister of Conscience by Yoshito Kuromiya, Nichi Bei Weekly, July 21, 2022
“Greetings from Ground Zero”
Konch Magazine, a letter from Seattle for special “The Virus” issue, Spring 2020
“A NO-NO BOY For the 21st Century“
review of Japanese translation of NO-NO BOY, as translated by Ryusuke Kawai. International Examiner, March 1-14, 2017
“Resistance Capital: Writing in the Camps as an Act of Defiance”
review of RELOCATING AUTHORITY: Japanese Americans Writing to Redress Mass Incarceration by Mira Shimabukuro, International Examiner, May 18-31, 2016
“ALLEGIANCE Uplifts by Doctoring Japanese American History”
analysis of the musical ALLEGIANCE at the Longacre Theater on Broadway,, Oct. 27, 2015
“Still the Great Japanese American Tragedy”
review of the 2014 University of Washington Press edition of NO-NO BOY by John Okada, International Examiner, July 15-August 4, 2015
“How Happy Ending in Staged NO-NO BOY Bowdlerizes Okada’s Novel”
more on the Pan Asian Repertory production of NO-NO BOY, Discover Nikkei, July 22, 2015
“Stage Adaptation of NO-NO BOY Violates John Okada’s Novel”
examination of Pan Asian Repertory production of NO-NO BOY, Discover Nikkei, April 29, 2015
“Frank Chin’s Great Chinese American Novel”
review of THE CONFESSIONS OF A NUMBER ONE SON by Frank Chin, International Examiner, March 30, 2015
“A Heart Mountain Resister Reacts to ALLEGIANCE”
analysis of the musical ALLEGIANCE at The Old Globe Theater in San Diego. Rafu Shimpo, October 24, 2012
“The Great Japanese American Novel”
review of BORN IN THE USA: A STORY OF JAPANESE AMERICA, 1889-1947 by Frank Chin. Amerasia Journal, Vol. 30, No. 2, 2004
“True Tales from Tule Lake”
review of SONG OF ANGER: TALES OF TULE LAKE by Barney Shallit, Pacific Citizen Holiday Issue, December, 2001
“Disney’s PEARL HARBOR: Big, Dumb, Irrelevant”
review of the film PEARL HARBOR, Northwest Nikkei, May 25, 2001
About Japanese American Redress
“Day of Remembrance: An invented tradition for the community”
Nichi Bei Weekly, February 3, 2022
“The First Day of Remembrance, Thanksgiving Weekend 1978”
Densho Blog, November 21, 2018
“Resistance, Resettlement, and Redress”
Case Western Reserve University Law Review, Volume 68 Issue 4 (2018) (free PDF download)
“Henry Miyatake: Seattle redress visionary”
Nichi Bei Weekly, December 18, 2014
“Creating ‘Days of Remembrance’”
Asian Focus, February 1998
“Arguments Given in Hirabayashi Case”
Pacific Citizen, November 15, 1985
About people
“Ichiro’s Final Bow”
Nichi Bei Weekly, March 14, 2019
“Discovering My Father Was A No-No Boy”
Discover Nikkei, June 18, 2015
“Remembering David Ishii, Bookseller” (with Laureen Mar)
Crosscut, March 7, 2012
“Frank Chin: His Own Voice – An essay/interview”
The Bloomsbury Review, September 1991
“Former Renunciant Charges WW2 Scientist With Defamation”
Pacific Citizen, July 22-29, 1988
Hi Mr. Abe –
I’m researching photos for the Topaz Museum, scheduled to open in Delta, UT, in September. I’d like to obtain a hi-res photo of Toshio Mori, who was interned at Topaz. The image we want was photographed by Nancy Wong (found on his Wikipedia page). In researching Nancy (not the same as this photographer: I found your page – which has more of her photos.
Can you tell me how I might find the “right” Nancy Wong? Or perhaps someone who has access to her photos, where we could get a higher-res scan of her Mori photo and, of course, the rights/permission to display it?
Thank you so much for any assistance you can offer.
Tisha Carper Long – [email protected]
Image Research, Rights & Reproduction
Topaz Museum – West Office Exhibition Design
HI Tisha, thanks for writing. Yes, let me email you privately.