DVD reviews
“Filmmaker Frank Abe ensures resisters are never forgotten“
by Andrew Hamlin, Northwest Asian Weekly, March 10-16, 2012
“Conscience and the Constitution (review)”
by Chizu Omori, International Examiner, Feb. 1. 2012
“Extras in ‘Conscience’ DVD add a fuller, if not more controversial, picture“
by Martha Nakagawa, Rafu Shimpo, Sept. 22, 2011
“Conscience and the Constitution: A Review“
by Eddie Chern, Frozen Glory blog
Broadcast and film festival reviews
“Seattle Reads” screening (scroll down)
By Michael Upchurch, Seattle Times, March 24, 2005
“Movie Review: Conscience and the Constitution“
by Naoko Shibusawa, University of Hawai’i at Manoa
The Journal of American History, Vol. 88, No. 3, December, 2001
“Documentary Brings Out The ‘Rest of the Story‘”
by Wayne Maeda, Nichi Bei Times, December 15, 2000
“Documentary explodes myth about Japanese-American internment”
by John Levesque, Seattle Post-Intelligencer TV critic, December 7, 2000
“Film: Conscience and the Constitution“ (scroll down)
by Linda Weber, Mother Jones, November/December 2000
“WGBH buries worthwhile documentary about internment of Japanese Americans“ (3 1/2 stars)
by Robin Washington, Boston Herald, November 29, 2000
“Draft protesters tell story of courage”
by L.A. Chung, San Jose Mercury-News staff columnist, Nov. 28, 2000
TV review: “Conscience and the Constitution“
by Sharon Maeda, General Board of Global Ministries, The United Methodist Church, November 27, 2000
“Film uncovers Japanese protests against internment“
by Rob McDonald, The Spokesman-Review (Spokane, WA), November 8, 2000
“East by West Coast: The Los Angeles Asian Pacific Film & Video Festival Looks to the Future”
by Robert Ito, The Independent Film & Video Monthly, August/September 2000
“VC: Less Money, More Risks”
by Robert Ito, International Documentary: The Magazine of the International Documentary Association, July/August 2000
“‘Conscience and the Constitution’ premieres at the VC FilmFest 2000”
by Greg Pak, AsianAmericanFilm.com News, May 23, 2000
VC FilmFest 2000 program guide
by Allan deSouza, May 18-25, 2000