Conscience and the Constitution – The film as commissioned by the Independent Television Service (ITVS) and picked up for national broadcast on PBS on November 30, 2000. (56:40) (preview)
Outtakes – Stories and sequences from our early rough cuts that could not be included in the broadcast version of the film for reasons of time or narrative discipline. They appear here for the first time to flesh out the story of the resisters, and the recovery of their story in the course of making this film. (22:14)
1. December 7th in Nebraska
2. “Has the Gestapo Come to America?”
3. At Heart Mountain
4. “Let Us Not Be Rash”
5. The steering committee
6. Crossing the line
7. Raising the defense fund
8. The largest mass trial in Wyoming history
9. Sports day at Leavenworth (preview)
10. The return of the Fair Play Committee
11. At the JACL National Convention
Featurette: “The JACL Apologizes” – A short sequel on the public ceremony held 18 months after release of our film, at which National JACL delivered a promised apology for its suppression of wartime resistance. This piece captures the emotions of the day as 300 filled a San Francisco community center to see the resisters finally recognized by the community. (8:08)
Extended interviews – So much fascinating information remained unreleased from our lengthy conversations that we could edit together dozens of distinct stories from 13 of our subjects, tied together with newly-researched photos and documents. (85:10)
1. Frank Emi
2. James Omura
3. Sam Horino (preview)
4. Dave Kawamoto
5. Gloria Kubota
6. Grace Kubota Ybarra
7. Art Emi
8. Ben Kuroki
9. Michi Weglyn
10. Paul Tsuneishi
11. Prof. Art Hansen (preview)
12. Prof. Roger Daniels
13. Mike Masaoka (audio)
Additional features (18:38)
1. Mako sings the “Song of Cheyenne”
2. Mike Masaoka’s rebuttal to critics
3. Sen. Daniel Inouye on the resisters (preview)
4. Trailers (preview)
5. DVD credits
6. Viewer’s Guide – The DVD includes a PDF of our Conscience and the Constitution Viewer’s Guide as a six-page PDF document formatted for printing. You can also download it here. (Requires the free Adobe Reader)
7. Learn more
Order the Two-Disc Collector’s Edition DVD.